TMTeck Instrument Co., Ltd.
Factory Add : #613A, LinJI Industrial Building ,No.53 of Shun Ren Road ,Lin He Industrial park, ShunYi District ,101300 Beijing ,China
Tel : 86-010-8944 5181/86-010-8944 4420
Fax : 86-010-8944 4420
Hong Kong Office : TMTeck Manufacturing Limited
Add:Unit 1105 on 11th Floor of Tower ONE ,Lippo Centre, No.89 Queensway,Hong Kong
Pay attention to TMTeck
Add:#613A, LinJI Industrial Building ,No.53 of Shun Ren Road ,Lin He Industrial park, ShunYi District ,101300 Beijing ,China
Tel:86-010-8944 5181 /86-010-8944 4420
Fax: 86-010-8944 4420